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电话: 021-39197555-202
姓名: Franco Wang
Shanghai Junsai Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd

  Shanghai Junsai Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd, through its R&D, design, manufacture and sales system, is dealing in blister packaging equipments, high frequency, ultrasonic, feeding machines and the relative auxiliary packaging machines. The company has produced over 10,000 equipments up to now and established production bases in Shanghai and Guangdong. The company, based on the enterprise spirit of "Professional Technology, Good Faith Service and Innovation", has been keeping the leading position since the foundation. In order to keep production of high performance and quality equipment, the company has been assigning technicians to the relevant companies in the mainland, Taiwan and Japan ...

主要产品/业务: High frequency Welding Machiner Vacuum forming machine Folder Gluer Machine

Shanghai Junsai Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd / 上海 / No.115, Hexiang Road, Baihe Town, Qingpu District, (201709 ) / 电话:021-39197555-202

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